The Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo) is a species of eagle owl resident in much of Eurasia. It is also one of the largest species of owls. The Eagle Owl is a very large and powerful bird, smaller than the Golden Eagle but larger than the Snowy Owl. It is referred to as the world's largest owl, although Blakiston's Fish Owl is slightly heavier on average and the Great Grey Owl is slightly longer on average. The Eagle Owl has a wingspan of 160–188 cm and measures
58–75 cm long. Females weigh 1.75–4.2 kg and
males weigh 1.5–3 kg. In comparison, the Barn Owl weighs about 500 grams and the Great Horned Owl, roughly the Eagle Owl's ecological equivalent in North America, weighs around 1.4 kg.
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